What is missing between "" Please help!!!!

<label for=" ">Message:</label><br> Why am I not getting this???

18th May 2022, 10:54 AM
Unknown Person
3 Réponses
"for" is the id of the element to which the label belongs. Re-read the lesson and look at the examples.
18th May 2022, 11:17 AM
Lisa - avatar
Thank you, I have been through it several times and I seem to be missing something. Everything I tried was incorrect. I am truly baffled.
18th May 2022, 1:03 PM
Unknown Person
The answer is in the question. What is the <label> for? Message <label for =" "> What goes between the " " ?
18th May 2022, 6:37 PM
Chris Coder
Chris Coder - avatar