How to correct this statement?
1 w = int(input()) 2 h = float(input()) 3 bmi = w / h ** 2 4 if bmi < 18.5: 5 print("underweight") 6 elif bmi >= 18.5: 7 bmi < 25 8 print("normal") 9 elif bmi >= 25: 10 bmi < 30 11 print("overweight") 12 else: 13 print("obesity") It say the elif bmi >18.5 bmi < 25 is wrong. Here what I have put in. I am making program in python that converted weight and height to out put if person overweight or something like that.
2 Réponses
Try translating your code to plain English to test your own logic.
That piece of code is currently saying:
If the BMI is greater than or equal to 18.5 less than 25.
That doesn't sound right does it?
Cindy Nelson When you change the body of your question, please let us know.
With the new code you posted, take a look at line 8-10.
Especially for line 9, you have a statement with no condition.