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How many hours to practice per day to get a full skill knowledge
3 Réponses
+ 5
There is no secret formula, the more time you spend faster you fill rich the goal, but make sure you also have free time, if not you will burn out and loss motivation, and also forgot lot of things if you trying to hard.
Try to code at least something each day and you will rich a goal.
+ 4
Everyone's pace of learning is different.
It is always better to take it slowly and make sure you understand each topic, rather than rushing through and forgetting everything 1 hour later.
Also, with programming, you are never done learning. Nobody on Earth has "full knowledge". You can become an expert and gain aptitude by a lot of practice, but IT is always in constant and rapid change, and there is too much to know even for a lifetime of learning.
+ 1
Thanks both of you