+ 4
What am I doing wrong ?
Test 1,2,3 and 4 work perfectly ,5 not
4 Réponses
+ 6
Your code is fine,
the only issue is the string "Not Found" it should be "Not found" lower case f in "found".
+ 1
contacts = [
('James', 42),
('Amy', 24),
('John', 31),
('Amanda', 63),
('Bob', 18)
name = input()
for x in contacts:
if name in x:
print(str(x[0]) +" is " + str(x[1]))
print("Not Found")
+ 1
It worked ,thank you so much!
You are given a list of contacts, where each contact is represented by a tuple, with the name and age of the contact.
Complete the program to get a string as input, search for the name in the list of contacts and output the age of the contact in the format presented below:
Sample Input
Sample Output
John is 31