How can undo my codes...during codig..iam so lost anyone help
like let's say I have done an arror in not adding the quotes >>>kim=input(type a number) syntax error:invalid syntax how can I delete such thing or undo it as I keep coding.
3 RĂ©ponses
+ 2
if CTR + Z not helping u will have fix it by ur self.
+ 1
I think you don't need to delete it. This is explained in 1st part of this lesson: "Variables can be reassigned as many times as you want, in order to change their value."
So in your case just type the following code
kim=input("type a number")
and you will be asked to enter a number, which then will be assigned to the variable "kim".
To check if everything is fine , just type
print (kim)
What do you mean "delete"?