+ 2
How can Sololearn be improved?
We all know how this app is amazing for many reasons, and we can talk about that another time, but how can we improve it? I know I've knot iced a few bugs like the reveal correct answer after challange only works if they deny your invitation to the challange.
5 Réponses
+ 14
- Better search feature for Q&A
- uniformed/predefined search tags to have categories for Q&A and then separated pages or subpages for the categories
- Rights for the mods to add/edit tags on questions to move the question to the best matching category
+ 11
I think a few new tutorials, and improved tutorials, wouldn't hurt.
+ 10
Well 3 things, 1 ur profile pic is cute <3 and 2, sometimes the answers are right when they are wrong (at least it happens to me anyways) 3. more programming languages
+ 9
First of all: debugging
And here is my idea
With challenges you can now report the wrong ones. Fortunately
+ 7
And by the way. How about naming people like @Alexander Longo working with suggestions drop-list (like in IG or WA) and showing the pointed person a different notification if he or she is subscribed to the discussion where it happened