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Java question
In java language what is the different between if... Else condition statment and else if condition statment especially in terms of use?
5 Réponses
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consider you made a program which will only allow users to log in if they are 18+ what will you do
it simply means that if age is more than 18 then access granted and if something else(like age=18 or <18) access denied.
Now consider making a program which will print different things according to age like
if(age>18) {
System.out. print("GROWN UP") ;}
else if(age<18){
System. out. print("welcome") ;}
CONCLUSION: if else statement allows you to define one statement and if somethong else.
while if u use else if you can define multiple statements.
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if (condition)
if the condition is true, this block of code would execute;
This block of code will execute if the above condition is false and if this condition is true!
This block of code will execute if the above conditions are false!
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in if - else if confition is true then if part is execute otherwise else part is execute but in else if latter if the condition is not true then else part is execute and in else also condition is check.
else if(condition)
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if conditions must be true, else must be false.
if else is needed when you just have one statement. If else if is for multiple statement, that's all