What's the error
It seems like there's an input, it's not able to give the amount for.
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fun shippingCost(amount: Double, internal: Boolean): Double {
var cost =0.0
var maximum: Double = amount*0.15
if (amount < 75.0 && internal== false){
var cost: Double = amount*0.10
return cost
else if (amount >= 75.0 && internal == false)
var cost: Double = 0.0
return cost
else if (internal== true && maximum < 50.0) {
var cost: Double = amount*0.15
return cost
if (internal == true && maximum >=50.0){
var cost: Double = 50.0
return cost
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val total = readLine()!!.toDouble()
val international = readLine()!!.toBoolean()
println(shippingCost(total, international))
You need 2 inputs. Since you only get one box for the input you need to hit return before each new input then hit submit