I wanna know why is greater than is responding as less than? or I myself don't know? | confused :-(
let msgs = { msg1: "You're eligible to join our community", msg2: "Sorry, you're not eligible to join our community", }; let age = 18; let age2 = 20; if (age > age2) { document.write(msgs.msg1); } else { document.write(msgs.msg2); }
3 RĂ©ponses
+ 3
I am confused bro what's your question, your question is incomplete what you want to say?
But I explain to you what in this code:-
if age>age2
That means 18>20 and you want to print msg1 "You're eligible to join our community" and if the condition false then msg2 print that's it.
Hope you understand what I mean.
+ 2
// If you are confused in greater than and lesser than signs, you have to work on that yourself, I was too in starting but the solution is to make your code as self-explanatory as possible, not for someone else to read but yourself. That is the key. I have made your code a bit more readable and working. Enjoy. Ask more questions if you want to.
let msgs = {
eligible: "You're eligible to join our community",
notEligible: "Sorry, you're not eligible to join our community",
let ageRestriction = 18;
let candidateAge = 20;
if (ageRestriction < candidateAge) {
} else {
+ 2
Harman Maan
Shukriya bhai :-)