Guys, can anyone try to finish this python program?
Homework is: A non-profit organization has announced a collection for charity. The collection is made by calling an audio-text number, and the machine saves the length of each call in seconds to a file. Write a program to find out from the recorded data number of calls the total amount collected in euros if the caller contributes 10 cents per second find out the largest value of the contribution The draft programme is: f = open("mena.txt","r") m = [] for riadok in f: m.append(riadok.strip()) f.close() print(m) vytvorenie dvoch zoznamov - kmena, priezviska / slice def najtext(zoznam): naj = '' return naj print("Najdlhšie krstné meno je", najtext(kmena)) print("Najdlhšie priezvisko je", najtext(priezviska)) zoznam = [] cyklus na spojenie mien a priezvisk a pridanie do zoznamu zoznam.sort() g = open("zoznam_pr_m.txt","w") for i in range(len(zoznam)): print(i+1, ". ", zoznam[i], file = g) g.close()