+ 1
Easier programming language
what is the easier programming language for beginners
11 Réponses
+ 8
Java is one of the hardest programming languages.
Edit: Sorry to disappoint the downvoters, but I didn't want to say Python without any reason. Java is considered by many to be one of the hardest programming languages, so most other languages (including python) are easier. So yes, Python is the easier of the two. I hope this constitutes a better answer.
+ 6
+ 6
@Edward But it is considered to be one of the hardest. Obviously is most likely isn't with others that are less common, but of the more common languages (in general the ones here on SoloLearn) it is one of the most difficult.
+ 6
easy is just an opinion. just start with what you want. and slowly learn c++ java and python . there no right answer to this question.
+ 6
Try this post
+ 5
python is more beginner friendly. it has simpler syntax and you dont have to worry about semicolons.
Just compare -
python - print ("Hello")
java - System.out.println ("Hello");
user input:
python - str = input ()
java - Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in);
String str = in.nextLine ();
+ 4
@J.G. its not necessarily one of the hardest, but definitely a bit harder to learn than python
+ 2
I started with java, but I think python would be easier.
+ 1
looks like I will start with python
thanks guys