[Object Object], re formating JS
Help I need to convert this const inputOutputPairs = [ { input: "hello", output: "hi there", probability: 0.9 }, { input: "hello", output: "hey there", probability: 0.1 }, { input: "Chat", output: "Yes lets chat!", probability: 0.8 }, { input: "good", output: "morning", probability: 0.7 }, { input: "hi", output: "hello", probability: 0.95 }, // Add more input-output pairs with probabilities... ]; into const nextWordPredictionPairs = { "I want": "pizza", "I like": "chocolate", // Add more word pairs for next word prediction... }; const nextSentencePredictionPairs = { "I want to eat": "some ice cream.", "I like to play": "video games.", // Add more sentence pairs for next sentence prediction... }; every combination