Guys . I have query :"How to study the programming languages ? ". I don't know how to learn the programming. Please help me.

This is for my study and career purpose. Command your answers and experiences to learn coding effectively

20th Aug 2023, 4:37 AM
AKSHAYA BANU. S - avatar
2 Réponses
And for your question: - To learn coding effectively, make sure that you should make a goal for yourself, like: "My goal is to develop a game after master those languages!", Or something else. - Choose a programming language that best suits you. I'd recommend you to learn Python and Java at first. - Start learning, and try to make a code that is not too hard for you, then slowly move to harder ones. Making codes might improve your coding skills. So, practices and patience are key to make good codes. - Join a programming community, and then answer as much programming questions as you can. This should help you to understand the concepts further, and it also helps the asker to gain more experiences. - If you got stuck at a problem, or having errors in the code and you don't know how to fix it, please use search bar if someone also got the same problem as yours, if not, ask the Programming community such as Stack overflow(for advanced or intermediate programmers), or just post your questions on SoloLearn.
20th Aug 2023, 4:59 AM
Dragon RB
Dragon RB - avatar