+ 3
Why ..? There are no any Html Libraries available for Web designer
I search a lot .. but not found any HTML library 🤔🤔 which one have built in design code . to make easy code 🤔 instead of pure CSS class base library 🤟🏻 i am thinking about create something like that , what's your suggestion about it should i ..? or Not ..? Q 1. Should I make html Tag base multi purpose library .? Q 2. Is it really required for a Web designer.? Q 3. In your POV. it will be helpful or not
24 Réponses
+ 5
Chris Coder but what if you have some tags like if you want to make some loader and u have our library
it will be like
<loader type="circle" color="red" height="50px" width="50px" animation="1s linear infinite">
and you got a circular spin loader bar 🙂
easy right 🙃🙂
+ 5
Sure thing, don't let me stop you. I'm just saying, lots of these frameworks are like supercharged libraries that are supposed to make life easier, but i'm aware that they can sometimes make things more complicated. So, your library is a welcome addition, and I think it could bring a simpler and more efficient approach to the table.
+ 5
Alaa Aldeen Shammr It is important to focus on learning what is necessary to complete your project. Rather than spending time on acquiring knowledge of multiple frameworks and other irrelevant areas, it is better to concentrate on what is essential. If you want to explore other options, that’s fine, but it's similar to not needing to drive every vehicle to get from point A to point B.
+ 4
Bob_Li yeah something like that🤟🏻🔥
+ 4
Bob_Li 🔥 yupp htmx a networking purpose 😁 mainly based on event
but our purpose is something unique coming soon with our Html library 🤟🏻🤟🏻
+ 4
Your library could be valuable, and I wish you good luck with it. However, I couldn't help but notice the similarities between your example and CSS3. Your example appears to resemble inline CSS.
Instead of:
<loader type="circle" color="red" height="50px" width="50px" animation="1s linear infinite">
Which is similar to this:
<div style="width: 50px; height: 50px; background-color: red; border-radius: 50%; animation: spin 1s linear infinite;"></div>
You can simplify it to:
<div class="loader circle red"></div>
This approach allows you to load styles from a CSS file and maintain a cleaner HTML document.
And here is bootstrap loader. <div class="spinner-border text-primary" role="status">
+ 4
Thanks for suggestions .. we will research on it before making .
+ 4
Chris Coder we will do our best🔥🤟🏻
+ 4
Lutreze Hue Jacinto thanks for it🔥🤟🏻
+ 4
Saurya then that car will be a framework that does more than what I asked for. I just need to drive up the road and back. I don't want to read a manual to understand how to use it. I already know how to drive :D
+ 4
Alaa Aldeen Shammr thankfully today, information is only a web search away or a prompt with AI. And if you like humans, there's a Q&A forum. Ask questions! Happy coding!
+ 3
I think we have that already, its called HTML frameworks or web development frameworks. Bootstrap, Foundation, React, Angualr, etc.
+ 3
it sounds like web components without js.
+ 3
Saurya that sounds doable. I was just reading about htmx But that's html powerup. Your idea feels closer to Bootstrap or Tailwind.
+ 3
A͢J we are thinking about to make beautiful Skelton as initial 😂. 😎 prettier Skelton without too much css🫣
+ 3
Web designers typically don't use HTML libraries in the same way that developers use libraries for programming languages. HTML is a markup language used to structure content on the web, and it's primarily the foundation for creating web pages. However, web designers do have access to tools and frameworks that make working with HTML (and CSS) more efficient and visually appealing.
+ 3
Chris Coder 😂😂😂what if car have some AdOns like A.I. 😴library and framework are like AdOns 😂
+ 2
Yeah we required.. coz in other css base library like bootstrap and tailwind there are to many confusion because of classes 🧐 Hope to create something unique.. 🤔
+ 2
Naso we see am
+ 2
Html is just like a skelton, design is related to CSS and there are many CSS frameworks to design this 'skelton'.