Access lessons

My next lesson is “locked” and the practice exercise before it will not open. I am on my iPhone and when I try to get into the practice exercise, it will not open, and the next lesson is locked until I run through this exercise

5th Apr 2024, 12:54 PM
Drea - avatar
3 RĂ©ponses
+ 3
Andrea Rosales , > are you sure that you run the latest version of the app? > are you also sure that you have finished all lessons, exercises and practices in the previous modul successfully? they all should show a green check mark.
5th Apr 2024, 2:38 PM
Lothar - avatar
+ 2
Yes- all exercises complete on the latest version of app. I looked through forums and it seems this is a common issue for some. Ive emailed Sololearn for a solution, thank you!
5th Apr 2024, 2:40 PM
Drea - avatar
I’m getting same problem. Cannot get into any Practice module. Luckily, I am still able to move forward without completing them
5th Apr 2024, 8:05 PM
Leo P
Leo P - avatar