Where is QApplication constructor and QApplication.exe is defined
Hi I am trying to build a simple application of QT using make file. #include <QtWidgets/QApplication> int main(int argc, char **argv) { QApplication app (argc, argv); return app.exec(); } I believe my main file is correct. I have given include file directory in make file and hence it is not complaining about QtWidgets/QApplication include. However, It throws linker error. Which lib / dll file implements the exec and QApplication so that I can give that lib or dll to compiler? Where can I find these details ?
2 Réponses
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While going through the docs for this https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_for_Beginners
I was able to create a working prototype myself.
I just build it from the source myself. https://github.com/qt/qt5
The documentation is available there.
In your case maybe you're IDE is handling package management.
I don't want to use any ide and qt is also not installed on my system. I have just all the required libs and dlls and includes.
I am trying to use cl.exe from visual studio and getting linker error as I don't know which lib defines qapplicatoon