Can someone help me with this grade score programme. Im new to the programming world
i want user to input his grade as letter instead of an integer. The grade is from A to F if user inputs a or A to C , they get a prompt saying well done in any other case they fail
13 Réponses
+ 4
Do the Python course. You will learn everything you need for this problem in the beginning of the second module and that way you have a first little practice project.
as Tobi said, we are here to help, not do.. Feel free to show us code your working on and we can give pointers and help with errors
this is the programme I've done the issue im struggling with is the grade bit. when user inputs a letter i keep getting "grade is not defined"
in the programme the user has to me two conditions. the first conditions is grade = a, health score= >=60 and economic_output= >=60. if he meets this condition he gets a prompt saying congratulations. the second condition is grade =a:c and economic_output= >=85 . if user meets this criteria he gets a prompt saying "you've met the exceptional criteria"
in any other case they get a prompt saying "no"
my lunch break is over, but I fixed what I saw. appears your working python 2.. sololearn uses python 3. couple things to watch for. raw_input should just be input. print "" should be print("") .. variables can't have spaces. economic output change to ecenomicOutput
health = 0
health in range (0,100)
economicOutput= 0
economicOutput in range (0,100)
grade = ["A","B","C","D","E","F"]
inname= input ("enter your name: ")
name = str(inname [0]).upper()+ inname [1:]
economicOutput =int(input ("enter your economic output: "))
health = int(input ("enter your health: "))
grade = input ("enter your grade ")
if grade=="A" and health >=60 and economicOutput >=60:
print("congratulations,"+name+"you been selected")
elif grade =="A" and economicOutput >85:
print(inname +",you have met the excepetional criteria")
print("you didnt meet the criteria ")
@one pride
now when i input any letter it keeps writing "you didn't meet the criteria"
how do i fix that
it worked when I ran it.. are you using A or a?
@dirty Joe
now the issue is whatever letter you put as a grade you get a prompt "congratulations". you should only get that if your grade = "a" , health= >=60 and economicOutput=>=60
can i see the code you currently have?
You seem to still be using Python 2.. with my changes to Python 3 it seems to be working fine.
the second condition if user inputs a,b,c they shud get the the second prompt and if they input d to F they get the prompt under else
your code still suffers from the origional problems for sololearn playground. your coding python 2 in a python 3 enviroment.
input() not raw_input()
spaces in variable names also unacceptable
print("") not print ""
@Dirty Joe
the second condition isn't "a" but it's greater than "c". how do I implement this