+ 1
I have a problem trying to execute if statements in my calculator project
7 Réponses
+ 4
Yes, you can enter an int or float after the input so that the user input can be converted into an integer or floating-point number. You have to use the input function inside the print function and then convert that input into int or float. This will be correct.
+ 3
answer=print(input("What shape is here"))
Print the content of "answer". What do you observe? print() does not have a return value. Hence, "answer" will be None, no matter what you enter.
input() always returns a string. So when you enter "2.3", it will be a string, not a number. You need to convert the input to a numeric value.
The same 2 things apply to the other parts of your program.
Also, mind that sololearn Python playground is not interactive. You need to input all values in the beginning of the program – separated by line breaks. Read the small test in the pop-up window.
+ 3
def area():
import sys
input = sys.stdin.read
data = input().split()
if not data:
print("No input provided")
answer = data[0].strip().lower()
if answer == "sphere":
if len(data) < 2:
print("Radius not provided")
r = float(data[1])
print('Your answer is:', 4 * 3.1428 * r * r * r)
elif answer == "square":
if len(data) < 2:
print("Width not provided")
width = float(data[1])
print('Your answer is:', width * width)
elif answer == "rectangle":
if len(data) < 3:
print("Length and/or width not provided")
length = float(data[1])
width = float(data[2])
print('Your answer is:', length * width)
print("Unknown shape")
# Call the area function
+ 1
Yeah Lisa is correct
You should not put input() inside print()
Other suggestions I would like to add are
Surface area for sphere is 4πr²
Not 4πr³
And pi value is 3.14159...
Not 3.1428
Hope it helps you ✨
+ 1
Thank you for your suggestions❤️❤️But I'm still wondering how I'll get to involve the user🤔What if I put and 'int' after input inside the print😅 I mean..won't it work?
+ 1
Thanks again😌
Hacker Badshah ,Lisa thanks so much😌❤️I'm still on it I want to also add BMI and even step count😂🔥