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Images Problem in HTML
Hello learners, I recently started learning a HTML and CSS and got stuck in my very first project. When I code and open a code on live server to see changes live, my pictures load and everything is super fine. But, when I open my project directly from folder and see if I got any code issues, my pictures don't load on site. It shows just alternative texts. Please tell me what it can be a issue so I can continue learning HTML and CSS. I don't wanna continue with a course while I don't make sure that I learned everything. Sorry if my English is a little bit bad, and also, thank you very much for all future responses. Happy learning and hello from Serbia! ❤️
16 Réponses
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yes, I wrote it, / means the root, while ./ the actual working directory, or just don't use that prefix. I'm using ./, but don't ask me why. in the past I didn't use that prefix.
the good thing is: now works and you've learned something useful :-)
happy coding
+ 3
I encountered the same issue, U need to change the image extension if its. PNG or png , so the code and how they are saved is similar.
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as Linus Torvalds said: talk is cheap, show me the code!
show some of the code. specially <img> tags and what's around it....
PS: I was born in Yugoslavia
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we will wait for the code.
the other answer is not relevant here
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<!-- index.html -->
<img src="images/example.jpg" alt="Example Image">
I will send it, as soon as I come back to my lap top.
What part of Yugoslavia do you come from?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<img src="/Projekat slike/images.png" alt="Logo" id="logo">
<h3>Coffee Junkie</h3>
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<img src="/Projekat slike/Background.jpeg" alt="Background" width="100%">
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About us is way too larger, but i needed to minimize it in a one word so I can actually send code to you guys here on Sololearn
Hey guys, update check. I solved an issue by myself like right now. When you define a images path, on src structure in img code, i typed src /Folder name/yourimg.jpeg
But, right way to define src is src=foldername/yourpic.jpeg (without freaking /). So basically, all I needed to do is to remove / before folder name and it defined and loaded pictures on browsers perfectly. Thank you anyways guys for helping me!! ❤️
don't use spaces, use underscores (_);
spaces are converted to %20;
src="/" -> root directory (document root)
use instead: src="./" -> current directory, or just: src="bg.png"
I prefer using all lowercase letters, but that's not a problem if the file name is the same....
Problem was '/'. When i removed / before folder name, pictures instantly loaded on live server and directly from folder of the project.
Yes, just like that!
Me too, I learned to use just /, without ./. But now I see mistake. Thank you very much, I wish you luck too in your web development journey. Best regards to you..
Yeah, my images automatically were on JPEG extension. Thanks for the tip in a future..