I have a problem with this
So I don't understand what's the problem here Whenever I comment out the function that counts the streak of not dying it works normally but whenever the function is working it makes it impossible to die. https://sololearn.com/compiler-playground/WWEZD9jSsAWZ/?ref=app
10 Réponses
+ 3
Zvi that was basically what I was finding as I was running through his code a few minutes ago
+ 2
I think the problem is the in the function btnRouleteYou you are setting a different anonyomous function for the onclick for the button which just makes the number go up but then the first function is lost.
I just removed the new function and put your logic straight in to the btnRoulette function and it works as intended. No need for another function.
Check it out.
+ 1
BroFar except you went the debugging overkill route in your code🤓.
+ 1
Pro Gamer 12 Nobody by the way i like how you are doing this projectone step at a time! I wish I would do things this way🤪
+ 1
Zvi I know but I was using his original code following the logic. You took chunks out of code relieving other potential errors.
+ 1
Pro Gamer 12 Nobody
why not just disable the button when you're dead?
// game over mechanic
if (RR === 5) {
alert("Game Over")
document.getElementById("getOut").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("life").innerHTML = "You Died";
Ok, this is how I would mod your code:
and going overboard with css and animation:
+ 1
Bob_Li if you are going to take over his code maybe do this for the button instead
+ 1
Pro Gamer 12 Nobody
sorry, I was having too much fun with the code that I did kinda took over it... It was just begging for extra features. ✨
Yes, that squirt gun emoji rocks! It adds the right touch of fun and color that my ui is lacking. Thumbs up. 👍
Also, it's also thanks to this topic that I finally got to explore the Web Animation API. So it's a win, I think. Maybe it could inspire people to use it for other projects.
Surprisingly, it's actually possible to get streaks as long as 20+..
+ 1
So I made an update and I want you guys to tell me how I could make it better
+ 1
Pro Gamer 12 Nobody
When the player dies, you have to provide a way to continue the game without leaving the game and restarting over again.
Always starting at the bottom level is not fun.