+ 8

How can I make screen bigger?

You can watch my code Solar System. Screen is small and all orbits I can't see all orbits. How can I make screen bigger?

23rd Apr 2017, 8:19 PM
Eugene Stadnik
Eugene Stadnik - avatar
3 RĂ©ponses
+ 8
Quick but worst solution: body { transform:scale(0.5); /* adapt to your screen size by setting less or more */ } ... but by this way, you cannot easily adapt the size to different screen size ( you can, by defining many sizes with media query, or by using JS to calculate the amount of scale to apply ): better way is to rewrite your css and use relative units instead absolute ( 'px' ). By using 'vw' ( 1% of Viewport Width ) for example, with taking account of the actual max size of your solar system ( solar system max-size <=> 100vw ) ;)
24th Apr 2017, 5:01 PM
visph - avatar
+ 9
Yes, but it isn't so easy.
23rd Apr 2017, 10:00 PM
Eugene Stadnik
Eugene Stadnik - avatar
+ 7
Can you make the Solar System smaller (with smaller picture and orbit)?
23rd Apr 2017, 8:52 PM
Agus Mei
Agus Mei - avatar