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How to convert numbers into the words...... Example: 128 is one hundred and twenty eight
task: The value only get the user and convert related string
4 Réponses
+ 7
I'm not sure if there's an import for this, but to do it manually you will need to make a converter:
* You need strings for all words from 1-
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000
*You will also need "and"
* Then you really just need to find a way to combine them accordingly. 21 = 20 + " " + 1.
Basically you could take the first digit, if it's size is 2 it's just
firstDigit*10 + lastDigit.
(Where each string name is just the number, then grab that string accordingly).
If it's in the hundreds, (length == 3) then take firstDigit + 100 + x + " and" + y.
Note* when i say firstDigit + 100 + x etc.. I'm talking about the strings containing "one" + " hundred" + etc..
As to how to go about grabbing the correct string, I can't think of a way that's not hard coded off the top of my head.
Hard code being just a bunch if/switch statements.
+ 7
String one = "One";
String ten = " ten.";
String hundred = " hundred";
When I say 1+100+10 what I really mean is:
which equals: One hundred ten.
+ 1
i can't understand....but thanks ur solution