+ 8
#1 this month in the US due to the like storm...
not complaining though, I even went up 2 levels and got silver!
10 Réponses
+ 13
There was a time when I was 1st in India and Globally too 😅 (though for 12 hours only)
+ 12
;) 🖒
+ 11
I was once 1st globally.
I'm 1st in Malaysia this month.
+ 10
For a link, just in case you want it. ;) A likestorm for you!
+ 9
Wow! Would you mind giving one upvote to my calculator code so that I can get 50 upvotes and the badge? Many thanks if you do! (I've been stuck just below 50 for a while and it's driving me crazy.)
+ 7
#1 in Niger
+ 5
#1 in Philippines, due to likestorms caused by Igor, <^> washika D <^>, Sachin Artani, Lazarus King and Illusive Man, thank you
+ 4
I am down to top 35% in the U.S. .. My Learning Unity has taken alot of my time lately
+ 2
Trade you Likes lol. I am just over 40 on my code
+ 2
same like Trump...