+ 8
Why is 2.7182818284590452354 being printed as 2.7182818284590450908?
I created a constant Eu using this : #define Eu 2.7182818284590452354 //const long double Eu = 2.7182818284590452354; But on printing it like this, I get: long double a=Eu; cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.precision(19); cout<<a<<endl; // a is printed as 2.7182818284590450908. Why? Why is there such precision loss in just printing a constant? Also, though its log to base e should be 1 (No decimal part), this becomes false: if(log(a)==static_cast<int>(log(a))) cout<<"Yes"<<endl; Why is this happening?
11 Réponses
+ 2
Comparing floating point using == operator would be always getting false return due to accuracy issue.
The better way to do is give the return certain tolerance value.
if you compare 2 double d1 and d2.
you can set some tolerance value t
if(abs (d1-d2) < t ) return true;
t value would be 0.00001 (depends how precise you want, but cannot be too precise due to the computation error)
+ 11
By design, C++ uses IEEE floating point types which are only precise to a certain degree. This is something that you may want to try out though:
+ 6
Then can I ever find out, if log to the base e of a number is an integer or not, using a program?
+ 6
Then, what can I use for Euler's number?
As this code is just the bug part, and the real variable a is an element of a 2*2 long double Matrix and I wanted to test if the elements can satisfy a condition...
Guess I'll have to limit such conditions...
+ 6
The program works.!
I tried rounding off a to the nearest 1/100000000 and the equation became satisfied...
@Calvin & @Hatsy Rei
Thanks a lot for your help!
+ 6
I'll try this too... Thank You!
+ 5
@Hatsy Rei
That didn't work for me... :(
+ 5
I read now that the maximum precision for long double is 17, and so I reduced it to 16 to be on a safe side...
But now, though log(a) is printed as 1, which it should be, log(a)==static_cast<int>(log(a)) remains false...
//This prints 2.718281828459045
//This prints 0.999999999999999
//Perhaps the passed value does not match with the value stored in C++ for Euler's number, Which I had copied earlier for use...
How does C++ use M_E with precision then?
Why ain't I able to do so?
+ 5
Cpu computing is never too accurate. Like @Hatsy said, the precision can only go down to certain degree.
You can take a look of this program testing..
It shows that the precision point can only go to maximum of 15 decimal point, More then that the accuracy is not guaranteed.
+ 4
Imho, I think we should not use floating point for more then 15 decimal point in our program.
+ 4
Just reduce your constant number to 15 decimal points.
The result is only accurate for 15 dp or less.