+ 17
My 5 elements of the Programmer Mindset
1. Learn to love the pain. Or at least, not fight it. 2. Remember Why you are doing it. 3.Remind yourself that EVERYONE needs help and EVERYONE makes mistakes.. REACH OUT! 4. A willingness to Experiment. 5. Don't be fuc**** Lazy - This will kill you. Feel free to add your elements of mindset!!
12 RĂ©ponses
+ 10
Nice. Here's mine.
1. Learn to google effectively
2. Doesn't matter how slow you go, just don't stop.
3. Everyone struggles, you are not alone
4. Don't let anyone tell you you can't be something.
5. Sleeping is productive, so get some
+ 8
Sure. What's the matter?
+ 6
Well done. Interesting Mindset
+ 6
Thanks You're my real friends
+ 6
"Remember Why you are doing it"
Idk tbh..:D
+ 6
@Tim LOL. you will know one day
+ 5
No problem. Just ignore those spammers.
+ 5
1. What did I learn
2. What do I want to learn
3. What are the possible obstacles
4. Are there experts who can support me
5. How much time is needed to get things done
+ 4
@Ang, why do need those fake accounts lol
+ 4
@Tim. To show solo learn the program security flaw. We can create as many fake accounts as we like using same mobile device. Unless other program we cannot do that. One device for one account. Take opportunities for likes and challenges that will be misused for some of the players.
I have sent this report to solo learn to let them handle these issues as I tested and it works perfectly.
+ 2
1- Learn to fight the pain not love the pain, love the life with fighting the pain. Sorry, if something gone wrong.
1. Problem solver
2. Intelectual
3. Mindful
4. Competitive
5. Persistent
6. Learner