+ 1
How long does it take to become a programming god?
I see some of my friends practice coding for like 10 - 12 hours a day, so I'm just interested to know how long it takes for someone like me, a total noobie, to become good at programming? I'll start with Java, Btw.
16 Réponses
+ 18
well.... one does not become GOD, you have to be born one...
but on the other hand if you keep practicing and widening your knowledge you might become as good as one 😃
+ 16
Ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?
As you continue to learn about programming, the more you will realize about how little you know in that field. This means that the perceived displacement towards mastery in said field increases exponentially with the amount of knowledge you gain. As a result, no real expert will self-proclaim as a 'Programming God', and hence nobody can tell how long it would take to achieve the illusionary level of total mastery in programming.
+ 4
Good luck with that. You can be good as opposed to god in a much shorter time period. But to be defined as a god one would need to display exceptional knowledge. This is only gained from real experience not learning imho
+ 3
dunno. I will tell you when I get there lol.. But suffice to say I think it is in the order of decades
+ 3
an app like this will teach you the basics, and the challenges are good for sharpening that knowledge. that can take as long as you want, a couple of weeks even... after that, what matters is how good you are at solving logical problems. in other words, algorithms. that's all. the rest is experience.
+ 2
LoL decades??? I would be super old by then. I'm in college, so my goal is to become a programming god by 25. Still young, can still show off and amaze people. Programming God, someone who thinks of the most efficient solution to a problem with the fastest time.
+ 2
LoL. @Hasty, I still want to be a Programming God in the next five years.
+ 2
why don't try hackerank?
if you can be number one for consecutive 12 month, maybe people start to call you God.
if you can...
+ 2
haha, not that easy. Im a total noobie right now. I can be number one, but it takes time. I'll post something when I have reached that level.
+ 2
😀 so sayeth the challlenge god
+ 2
@ Joan, there are a lot of sites. HackerRank, HackerEarth. You just have to search for them.
@Tobi, I know not less than any experts out there how hard it is to reach the level of a god. Even so, with that said, I still want to reach the top. I guess I'll prove my expertise by winning the next 5 competitions that I will join after 5 months of training.
+ 1
@Seriawan, I did 😁 Joined a competition today. Ranked 847/2196 I think. My next goal is to rank 1st in the next five competitions after I practice for 5 months.
+ 1
i wish you could be number one less than five months.
+ 1
if what you thought impossible becomes possible ;)
+ 1
@PROGRAMMING GOD => what is the compétition you joined i want to be very good at programming too excepté that" Programming King " would ne good enough for me ;)
@setiawan Next => Thanks for the reference :D
God also make mistakes but no one judge him , people take his mistakes as their fault , so as a programmer when you will make mistakes and users will say its their fault ,then you will know you are programming god!
So it will take you few years i think :)