+ 1

What can Python be used for?

I'm very brand new to the coding world. I have a science background, and tend to thoroughly enjoy data entry, logging, organizing, web design, web apps, etc... I started blazing through Python and I really like how intuitive it is, but I'm having trouble finding uses for it so far. What are some common or interesting uses for Python? If you don't think there are many uses for it, what would you recommend I learn next?

26th May 2017, 3:55 AM
Savannah Shafer
Savannah Shafer - avatar
3 Réponses
+ 1
This is an old question, but I'll gravedig it for anyone else that overestimates how far down the rabbit hole they've reached whilst simulanteously underestimating the titan that is Python. You say you 'thoroughly enjoy data entry, logging organizing, web apps, etc...' and can't find a use for Python? You haven't 'blazed through' anything then. You've scratched the surface of a planet. Data entry and organization? NumPy. IronPython. Interactive web apps? Django. These tutorials are here to teach you the foundational stones of a language, but they are by no stretch of the imagination detailed or thorough, nor should they be. It is up to you to learn the framework relevant to your interests, and it is up to you to find its 'use'. For I'd say 99% of developers, you are not limited by Python -- Python is limited by you. All programming languages are building blocks. Whether you wind up designing a mud hut or a grand palace is solely up to your creativity, your intellect, and your perseverance.
20th Jun 2017, 1:50 AM
Aldrich - avatar
+ 2
Python can be used in many ways: education, numerical computing, web development... https://www.python.org/about/apps/
26th May 2017, 5:01 AM
Thank you, Kaitoh. This was a more constructive answer I was looking for. It's easy enough to say Python = data or Python = web apps, but it's much more useful for someone to tell me some additional resources I can look to to get from Learning Python >>> Executing a Project.
20th Jun 2017, 1:56 AM
Savannah Shafer
Savannah Shafer - avatar