Trying to run my codes on a desktop.
I have downloaded pycharm community edition . ..cant seem to run my codes
3 Réponses
+ 2
1) download python here https://www.python.org
2) set the environment variable path
mac os ( /usr/local/share/python:$PATH)
linux os ($PATH:/usr/local/bin/python3)
windows (%PATH%;C:\python3)
3) download pycharm community edition here https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/
your code will not be executed if you miss any one step among 3
[NOTE: while installing python in windows it will ask your permission to set environment path by default
check that box and hit next ]
+ 1
After you save your script.. Alt+Shift+F10 ... Also a Run drop down menu at the top of the screen with options inside to run/debug/etc