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Value & Reference Type
Value Type was kind of confusing public class MyClass { public static void main(String[ ] args) { int x = 5; addOneTo(x); System.out.println(x); } static void addOneTo(int num) { num = num + 1; } } // Outputs "5" -> Why the output is 5 I thought was 6?
1 Réponse
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Java passes by value, and this is a perfect example of that.
int num in the method addOneTo is indeed 5. However this is not the same variable as the one before. num is a new int that has the value of 5.
You then increase the value by one, so num = 6.
But again this is not the same int, num is NOT x. x only passed it's value to the method, which made num equal to that vakue.
To work around this make the function return an int value.
int x = 5;
x = addOneTo(x);
Then you can do:
static int addOneTo(int num){
return num+1;
In conclusion, In Java, Primitive data-types are passed by value and not by reference.