+ 1

Did anyone know how to run image loc in html


1st Jun 2017, 7:02 PM
Waiphyo Oo
Waiphyo Oo - avatar
2 Réponses
+ 15
<img src = "file:///path/img.jpg"> For security reasons, this will works on your device only, if you want to display an image in your gallery in the CodePlayground and make it available to all, first of all you have to upload it on a web host (or a free space on internet, Dropbox, google Drive or other image hosting service work fine as well)
1st Jun 2017, 7:09 PM
Maz - avatar
+ 3
Thanks @Maz, you just thought me something new there with using your local storage. ☺
1st Jun 2017, 8:17 PM
Ghauth Christians
Ghauth Christians - avatar