+ 53
How useful is Python?
I'm taking an introduction to computer science course this summer from my college. Im typically a biology major, but I wanted to explore technology and computer studies. My course explores python, but I am wondering what pythons uses are outside of learning it and computer science?
98 Réponses
+ 58
Python might be useful for you in your scientific research when you will have large amounts of research data to handle. Statistical, econometric and machine learning capabilities of Python would then come in handy :)
+ 57
Well... as someone who had programmed in C and Pascal for a long time, and who is not a professional programmer, I must say Python is so much easier to do almost everything.
It is so easy to build GUI apps with python/tkinter, and it is so easy to manipulate data, and to build nice OOP scripts with very nice exception handling.
For almost everyone of your programming needs there is already a good library for you to use. Even the standard library is amazing. A few months ago I had to develop an app to send lots of emails and thought it would be a pain in the ass. Then I found that in Python all I needed was already in the standard library. The app was ready in about 3 hours.
Python is really amazing.
+ 35
Python is right now world's most powerful language.It is use in your field and also in web development and artificial intelligence.Google Dropbox YouTube is some examples.just learn this programing language without a second thought.u will not regret your decision. I would like to add here some more if u want to learn about everything ya like everything about Python checkout hacker.io
+ 28
FYI, related to biology:
An Introduction to Programming for Bioscientists: A Python-Based Primer
Quoting from that link, heavily condensed:
"[For] virtually all contemporary research in molecular biology...post-genomic biology...computational biology...[Python's popular because of its]...straightforward semantics and clean syntax [it's expressive in modern paradigms, and extended into] virtually every biological domain (sequence and structure analyses, phylogenomics, workflow management systems, etc.) "
"Contemporary biology has largely become computational biology...[Python pervades] virtually every domain of the biosciences, from sequence-based bioinformatics and molecular evolution to phylogenomics, systems biology, structural biology, and beyond."
A couple "Why Python" links (the second one may be plugging for a book):
+ 20
well in general python is a scripting language which is very is too learn, as stated in the python tutorial, it is a general purpose programming language meaning that you can use it for making various types of programs.
-Gui Programs (using modules like PyQt, Kivy, PyGame, Pyglet)
-Web bases programs (using modules like flask, Django, bottle, Pylons)
**These are just a few to name**
Best of all python simplifies all this annoying things that scare people away from programming like having to declare variables with types, free up memory manually etc.
+ 15
Thanks for the input and even trying to relate it to my main field of study
+ 15
From what I have seen and heard python is 'the' language to learn to code for use in scientific study\work. It is what it is made for. Fast and easy to prototype to look if data collected makes sence. And python is comparativly easy to learn and give exelent basic problem solving tools in your mind useful for everything ...
Check up scipy.org
As for what it is used for ... well almost everything today is assisted in some way of computer code, either running or in design and manufacturing stage. For the future illiteracy in computing will equal to no high pay job.
+ 14
Python is a scripting language which is very powerful. You can build stuff with python that you can build with other languages with lesser lines of code!!! Python main strength lies in its excellent library support which helps u build games,softwares,web development (django),cryptography (PyCrypto),GUI programming, and everything that you can do !!!
TIP: get started with Head first Python book for giving you a head start in Python along with your university books . print("Best of luck,Ava"); //prints to the screen. :).
+ 12
Just to add onto what others have said, it's good for automation which is why I'm learning it.
+ 12
Python has its own plus factors when compared to c++, c, Java and other programming languages. Some of them are:
1.there is no range for int, float, string, double(unlimited numbers during the input).
2.no need for curvy brackets as in the case of languages like c and c++, but proper indentation of code is required for code to run in the correct required way...plus point-: compilers indent the code on their own.
3.Less code to write...there are less keywords and special characters in the code when compared to c Java and c++.
4.Code written is more user friendly (easily readable even by those who are not a programmer).
No need to learn the difficult syntax as in the case of Java...😁
+ 11
it an object oriented programming language too
which makes your concept clear regarding programming with real world
+ 10
In my experience Python is a very versatile language with a relatively small footprint compared to some of the other languages. It is great for automating complex math functions which can be very useful in the field of science and biology. I hope you find this helpful.
+ 9
Currently it is actually he most powerfull language available, mainly used on scientific research, app dev, web dev and also hackers mostly use it in hacking and making of exploits. Used pretty well with linux too
so definitely python is very usefull. 😊
+ 8
Thanks for all the input
+ 8
if u study python
i must know that python is based on c language.
and python is Great. 😁😁😁
+ 8
Python is very useful these days.. infact it's scope also increased..
1. Used in ethical hacking
2. Operating on Linux
3. Apps development
4. It has lambda functions
You should start learning this language as soon as possible.. it will be helpful in near future..
+ 8
Python is one of the main languages used by the sodtware giant Google
+ 6
+ 6
True. Far back in pre c time the proto language was called 'a' (ADA code also I think) in the honour of Ada Lovelace, she was the first computer programmer. Well if we count jaquard card programs as not algorithms ....
+ 6
@ Jamie. Yes, and not many people know/understands that. So we need to be polite and tell every time newbies ask <3