+ 15

Did it anytime happen to you that you got the same quiz questions over and over again ?

16th Jun 2017, 5:06 PM
Prabhu Nithin
Prabhu Nithin - avatar
13 Réponses
+ 18
yes same times I get in HTML
19th Jun 2017, 9:55 AM
Li Haji
Li Haji - avatar
+ 14
I have this question because i faced 4 same questions in two successive challenges with kremik
16th Jun 2017, 5:18 PM
Prabhu Nithin
Prabhu Nithin - avatar
+ 13
yes its happening with me right now when new quizzes are approved in any language the same new quizzes are repeated over and over ! after some challenges new quizzes comes along with the old ones ! it happens every time in any language!
16th Jun 2017, 11:03 PM
Prudhvi Raaj
Prudhvi Raaj - avatar
+ 10
me too excited about SQL quizzes we should be waiting more for that to approve !
16th Jun 2017, 11:28 PM
Prudhvi Raaj
Prudhvi Raaj - avatar
+ 9
Yes it does happen when you are playing at a stretch or if the challenges are made at or around the same time when you face that particular question in another challenge! This basically might be because of the challengers getting questions from a set of question bank kind of ,which I assume varies from time and time and hence the questions too accordingly!
16th Jun 2017, 5:16 PM
Vivek Vamsi
Vivek Vamsi - avatar
+ 9
Yeah that happens some times I guess though I haven't experienced any of that sort yet!
16th Jun 2017, 5:21 PM
Vivek Vamsi
Vivek Vamsi - avatar
+ 8
yeah, it's possible, my case is almost the same here. but not with the same person, mine was same set of question consecutively. 😊
16th Jun 2017, 5:40 PM
CC Calvello
CC Calvello - avatar
+ 6
yeh ! some times but its rare
16th Jun 2017, 5:54 PM
Style Jr.
Style Jr. - avatar
+ 2
21st Jun 2017, 3:15 AM
Wojtas - avatar
+ 2
For me it happened to receive again a question I answered wrongly in a previous challange. It was like "let's see if she learned the correct answer in the mean time" :-)
21st Jun 2017, 3:48 AM
Georgiana - avatar
+ 1
Yes, all the time. I've noticed the way that challenges work are that there is a pool of questions at any goven moment for a specific period of time (not sure exactly how long) so that of you challenge players one after another and at the end do the challenges 9 out of 10 times at least 3-4 of the questions will be the same, occasionally all of them. But you are guaranteed (not by me, by statistics) after 5 consecutive challenges not to get a new question, only ones that you have seen before. This is my experience with HTML. JavaScript is a bit different, it seems to have a larger pool of questions in general and therefore you must challenge more players consecutively to acheive the same effect. BTW, tip for those going for the epic badge: DO NOT CHALLENGE THE SAME PERSON TWICE. Leave him alone and move on, chances are VERY high that you will get the some of the same questions which brings you dangerously close to getting a draw. Trust me, I know how hard this is, but after losinf your streak at 47 and 49 you start to understand the meaning of patience...yes yes...this happened to me...it took me a few days ro recover...I was in shock, it blew away an entire week (or more) of challenges...anyways BEWARE. That is my experience, hope this helps.
11th Apr 2018, 10:04 PM
Adam - avatar