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What project do I code with C?
I have a school project coming up soon, I'm new to the programming world, yet I want to do my best in this project, perhaps present the best program, please I need a clue, somebody help!
8 Réponses
Thanks Taco Jack, but I could use a little more help on the ANSI art. Thanks
+ 6
And if you do not have and IED
try Visual Studio
+ 5
Here are some example I got from Google.
+ 5
From my understanding, the project is happening soon and is something they have to create themselves for class. I would imagine since it's for a class project, they may not be able to use open source projects since it does little to prove their own skill level. (however, just to note, still take their advice because its great advice and good for learning)
So...you could always create a virus that destroys their projects. :) Yours would be the best, and at that point, the only project. ;) I'm only joking, of course. You could easily create a console based text game or maybe even a bot that reacts with emotion/face through ANSI art. It's all simple enough, but also cooler than the typical beginner projects.
+ 4
If you want to see amazing projects
Join github
- a site that contains TONS ofopen source projects.
Here is a link to trending C projects
+ 4
Are you in Nigeria, what school is this?
+ 1
You will just have to practice. Watch tutorials and write the code at the beginning. Later improve the code or write a new one based on what you learned. Practice makes perfect.
+ 1
Also Codeblocks