What is an argument reference

plis help

4th Jul 2017, 6:24 PM
stephen haokip
stephen haokip - avatar
2 Réponses
+ 1
Do you know about pointers ?
4th Jul 2017, 6:36 PM
A pointer is a variable wich store an adress of another variable. An adress of a variable is where it is in the memory. int a=5; cout<<a; // value of a : 5 cout<<&a; // adress of a : something like 0x3f46gh With & operator, you can have the adress of any variable. Now about your question : int swap(int c, int d){ int x=c; c=d; d=x; cout<<c<<d; // output : 21 } int main(){ int a=1, b=2; swap (a, b); cout<<a<<b; // output : 12 } When swap() is executed, c and d are COPIES of a and b. So c and d are swapped. Not a and b. But if swap() was : void swap(int& c, int& d) The adress of a and b would be sent to swap. Then, every changes on c, would apply to a. The argument reference is this case. If you don't understand ask !
4th Jul 2017, 10:34 PM