Any noticeable differences between Sololearn's iOS and Android app?
Any noticeable differences between Sololearn's iOS and Android app? as in: content, features, quality/completeness of lessons, types and errors, etc? The "weapons" aspect of challenges is apparently an Android only feature at this time. It's not a thing within the iOS apps. Additionally, some of the Q&A/Comments suggest that Andriod users might be seeing different content within the lessons. [or that SoloLearn runs some sort of A/B testing] Anyway... if someone has access to both iOS and Android, it would be great if you could highlight the differences (or confirm that both appear to be the same). There also seems to be one additional Android app which doesn't exist in the iOS space. For app only users, who haven't access the web interface, the challenges are available at all via the web. So there probably are other differences across platforms. Thanks.