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Python Key Testing
I am developing a python database, that well... Has a key. I am having problems though: import time # Copyright (c) 2017 Copyright Secure Test All Rights Reserved. statement = print ("Welcome to the Secure Test Network.") time.sleep(2) resource_one = input ("Enter the network key too continue: ") if resource_one == 'QU9lHj63sNQRV4efbG': time.sleep(2) print ("Your key has been accepted\nLaunching Database") The output is: File "/Users/PythonDeveloper/Desktop/Secure Network/program.py", line 3 statement = print ("Welcome to the Secure Test Network.") ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
8 Réponses
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It works on my playground, not in my terminal.
I want to print it, not ask for user input.
what version of python you use?
i test it on python 3 and works normally
your code is ok
I use 3.6, but I edit my code with Atom ( Atom.io ).
Try to run your code in code playground
It kinda works in my playground, it asks me for an input before it prints.
in the input that asks when you press run write this : QU9lHj63sNQRV4efbG