+ 3
Did you notice the Google-App 'Learn Digital' about Online-Marketing?
The App is like a SL-course for those students, who want to publish their HTML/CSS-project. Please appreciate it in the PlayStore.
7 Réponses
+ 5
Could you please share the link to it? Thanks in advance :)
+ 4
Hi Rolf! Thanks :) it didn't take me to a specific app, I'm starting to wonder if the app is available in my country. In the top results I'm getting one called "Learn Digital Marketing" by WsCube Tech, and the second one is "Google Primer" by Google Learn Apps, could you point me to the correct one please? ☺
+ 4
Hallo! 😊 Thank you so much for the image, it helped me to find the app, but unfortunately it isn't available in my country, here's a screenshot: http://bit.ly/2ufMhM1 😢 I'll write a message to the developers to find out if it will ever be released over here 😆 thanks again! And congrats on your new site, hope you build awesome stuff in there 😊!
+ 1
The link to the Google PlayStore is: https://play.google.com/store .Then search for 'Learn Digital' without the quotes and you'll be lead to the app. I've got some problems with the Clipboard, sorry. Please try the link in the next answer.
+ 1
Please try this: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=Learn%20digital&c=apps
+ 1
Hi Paola. Thank you for your feedback. I've got a new website since yesterday: http://rolfstraub.net where I put a screenshot for you of the PlayStore-search-result that I can see here in Germany. I hope that it`s possible for you to open the webpage, because it is completely new. In the Top-Left-corner the 'Learn Digital'-App is shown. The E-mail-adress of the developer is 'learndigital-android@google.com'. Perhaps you could ask them, when the App will be published in your country. Please send me an answer, whether you found my webpage or not. Thanks in advance!
Link to 'Learn Digital`: https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/digitalgarage/lesson/24