+ 1

Which is the best ? Webdev or App dev

what is the best choice to choose between web development and Android app dev ? things considerd : the dificulty the languages the opportunity in the future

24th Jul 2017, 2:13 AM
El Hachemi
El Hachemi - avatar
3 RĂ©ponses
+ 5
for web development u should know HTML,CSS,JS....and if u want to develop an app then u should must know ANDROID STUDIO, JAVA.web development is more easy than app development..
24th Jul 2017, 3:59 AM
+ 2
App dev - less jobs but high pay, more powerful, more interesting, every project different problem Web dev - same thing over and over again, bunch of jobs available, less powerful
24th Jul 2017, 6:07 PM
Aleksandar Stevanovic
Aleksandar Stevanovic - avatar
+ 1
shachi khati d bouras?
24th Jul 2017, 7:12 AM
aziz - avatar