+ 9

Sololearners Vs Hackers

Hey guys I was wondering why is it that any post concerning hacking gets downvoted, seems like Sololearners hate hackers yet its completely related to programming and many of us are hackers, of anyone knows why pls answer ? Like always this post is going to be downvoted many times 😝😝😝

24th Jul 2017, 10:27 PM
LordGhostX - avatar
12 Réponses
+ 23
It is not always a topic directly related to programming despite advanced tecniques require programmig knowledges too, i don't know why people downvote, also without express their opinion, it happens on all kinds of topics. The hacking-related questions here are nothing else that: "What's the best language to be an hacker", perhaps users are just tired to see always the same questions. Also there are different meanings related to the "hacker" word, now it is just abused by anyone who tried a pre-installed tool on Kali Linux, but this is neither the moment nor the place to explain you my complex/paradoxical thoughts. Follow your ideals, not the trends.
24th Jul 2017, 10:52 PM
Maz - avatar
+ 9
Most of the "Hackers" are just kids looking to impress their friends, we deal with alot of them here and it just kind of gets cringey in my opinion. If you want to learn pen testing though, go for it. It's a great career.
24th Jul 2017, 11:09 PM
Jordan Chapman
Jordan Chapman - avatar
+ 7
in-group mentality and the false consensus effect. They often forget that hacking isn't inherently bad. except for those people, there is also fault lying with the people who are easily influenced by the Hollywood romanticization of hacker culture. They frequently show up asking the same question.
24th Jul 2017, 11:06 PM
God Usopp
God Usopp - avatar
+ 4
Here is my take on hacking on Sololearn (SL): https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/563537/?ref=app
25th Jul 2017, 3:54 PM
Manual - avatar
+ 3
I think there are more than enough resources for one who "really" wanna learn to hack out there. A creative keyword combination is all one's need to find one on Google. Besides, most people still find difficulties to distinguish hackers from crackers, carders, etc. I myself get hesitant to reply to those types of questions in a thought that I have responsibility for what the asker might do afterwards, should what I tell them was exploitable. I feel sorry for the good hacker guys out there, for the title "hacker" now becomes a frightening word, from evil deeds of a few of their own league. The funny thing is these "naughty" hackers (if I may say, no offense) have such a wide variety of purpose for what they do, starting with personal sentiments, financial, political, self challenge or approval, etc. And all the while, sacrifice and benefits the good guys bring simply forgotten. I'm not a hacker, and probably never will be, I. don't have what it takes to become one, from what I've read years ago, it takes more than programming skills to be one, it takes resilience, sincerity, sociability, curiosity and self-motivation and maybe more that I forgot. Just my opinion though,
25th Jul 2017, 10:53 AM
+ 2
It's cause people have negative thoughts on hacking and also cause the hacking questions people ask are repetitive and annoying, like how to hack WiFi or a game
25th Jul 2017, 12:28 AM
NewbCoder😎😎💪💪👅✌👈 - avatar
+ 2
when you come into scripting thats like, a great power, and not even to be funny by quoting uncle john, but seriouly "with great power comes great responsibility" and i think that just programmers stick to that i think, as in there not all gunning at eachothers necks so to say, i think thats y hacking gets underminded here but trully who knows, i hack my own devices or my own webpages just to check the security, and come to think of it, i dont think ive ever met another hacker before, but then again, if a hackers just a programmer, then ive met many programmers, but then that goes to say, is hacking trully a skill, or just a frame of mind??? oooooooo i just went straight morpheus on em
25th Jul 2017, 12:48 AM
Escobar - avatar
+ 2
i didnt find much conversation when discussing the topic of hackers either, me myself i started out looking to hire a hacker but ran into scam artist after scam artist i had been scammed out of nearly $1800 bucks between two hacking hires and thing was i wasnt even looking for an illegal hack but didnt even know how to go about finding a real hacker, where they were, what they look like, i was clueless, anywho when i got fed up with the scams i decided hell ill hack it myself, then i was faced with the challenge of how do you even become a hacker and thats when i began to research it, and yea it was cool i learned a few tricks yada yada, but then i hit a site one day practicing and none of the little tricks worked, and for the hell of me, i jus couldnt let go that id met my match with a server, i became obsessed with cracking that server, but i needed to be better, so i researched how could i get better, and thats where i discovered languages html, php, javascript, java, sql, yada yada, not the tricks though but the actual scructure of how everything works and i just fell in love with the learning, i kinda forgot all about that server because it was like, i like being able to create, more than i liked being able to break, and it amazes me more and more with each day as i get deeper and deeper into languages, the challenge exist heavier in being able to create than it exist in bring able to break, but then at that, their just little tricks that anyone could learn, but
25th Jul 2017, 12:50 AM
Escobar - avatar
+ 1
Thanks for replies guys at least I got something out of this, I know some of sololearn hackers 😌😌😌
24th Jul 2017, 11:18 PM
LordGhostX - avatar
+ 1
@Jordan I agree with you there, I myself started hacking at 13 🎉🎊🎉
24th Jul 2017, 11:19 PM
LordGhostX - avatar
+ 1
that second one goes before the first part, i just had to do it seperate cuz sololeaen wouldnt let me post it all at once
25th Jul 2017, 12:51 AM
Escobar - avatar