what are array
9 Réponses
+ 4
array is a homogeneous collection of elements. otherwise we can also say an array is a container object that holds a fixed number of values of a single type...
+ 2
yes we can say a[5]
here a[5] means array of type integer tht contains 0 to 4 totally 5elements
+ 1
An array is a collection of similar or homogeneous items.
+ 1
Ex: marks of 100 students which is a similar data that can be stored in an array
+ 1
Array is a type of variable which contain similiar type of of data in adjecent memory.
+ 1
arry is just a group of data.. like matrix form..
Ex arr[4] it have 0 to 3
thanks. any examples...?
Ex: int[] array= new int[10];
where array is array name
array is a group of similar data types under a single name and less time consuming