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Explain Decorators
The function wrap is not called, so how the print function occured!! please explain someone
6 Réponses
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def decor(func): # We create a decorating function that takes another function as a parameter
def wrap(): # Nested function that wraps around the function we chose in our parameter
print('-'*40) # Creates 40 dashes on top of our function
func() # Calls the function we used in our parameter
print('-'*40) # Creates 40 dashes below our function
return wrap() # Prints out what is in our wrap function
@decor # Calls our decor function
def text(): # The function that gets called by decor
print('decorate me!') # defines text to decorate
print(text) # Prints our text function that calls decor
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It's all good, I probably could have worded it better haha.
It didn't answer my question, everything I understand before what you explained here. Without, wrap function in decor, which is not called. So, how it can be functioning!
Ok, got it. With the return, the function is called. Sorry
wrap gets assigned to function 'text' using @decor in the above example. So, when we call text, wrap gets called actually.
Here is an explanation of the decorator usage: