+ 4
What is git?
entering the world of web developing, git seems a really important thing, but i can not understand what is git:( pls explain the use of git in very simple language, as i have already been through many websites looking about git.
8 Réponses
+ 11
Git is a code version control tool. You can make updates to your own project and maintain different implementations without spoiling any of them or contribute to team, joint projects without disturbing other developers, who might work on different parts of the "big" code.
+ 4
The best way to learn it is to use it, it's really hard to understand how it works and where you use it's functionality. I use an app called enki which has daily work outs on git
+ 3
By "flavor of the month" you mean "industry standard"
+ 2
ok my mistake, I suppose 'internet kiddies' and 'fanboys' just made it read kind of negatively. Appreciate the supplementary info
+ 1
The way you write, you seem to have a bee in your bonnet about git. It's free, simple and pretty awesome imo