+ 7
What's the point of having "unlock" and "hint" options to a quiz when you can view every answer under the comment section?
Deliberate bug?
6 Réponses
+ 16
Users disclosing quiz answers in comments has been a known issue. SL has not given official directives to bar/remove them. As far as I am concerned, this has rendered the 'unlock' and 'hint' option useless.
+ 11
How many users are there? It would be a fulltime job for at least 3 people to try and remove these types of posts. We have to change the user bases actions/attitudes before we could expect action on this issue. But yes I agree with you that this is not a great situation. But hey now you know it is like this just avoid the comments section until you have had a good try at answering it yourself?
+ 8
In my opinion comment section was there for explanation and description but used for another purpose I.e.,seeing answers without doing hardwork
+ 5
Shouldn't it be easy for SL to resolve this issue, if indeed they cared about the quality and overall reputation of their product?
Perhaps the logic to my suggestion is flawed but why not enable the viewing of comments ONLY when a question has been answered correctly?
+ 5
The comments were NOT meant to post answers, its inconsiderate people who do it.
BTW congrats for platinum!
+ 2
All quizes are really easy anyway + you can just brute force some of them because there is no punishment for wrong answer.