How to put a picture
I'm trying to put a picture in my code I'm using <img src="whatever the pic name.jpg"/> but it's not working. I know that on the Computer the image has to be in the same file as the html file so how does it work on a phone the pictures are on a sd card not stored on device
6 Réponses
+ 6
"file:///mnt/sdcard/picture.jpg" or wherever that picture/path is. Try obtaining the path through a local file browser.
pic can be anywhere that has a Web address....try img style="z-index:99999999:" to put the pic on top of other things if this is your problem
I tried inputting the path still doesn't work I even tried using a picture stored on the device. Got any other advice?
the picture needs to be on the hosting server or any web site you will need to upload the picture to a domain hosting server...for instance if you lookup dog in google and go to pics and right click and copy address, that address is what you put into img src ="thewebaddressofthepicthatworksintheaddressbar"
ok thanks I'll try it
so how do i do that on a phone