Apart from the Learn Java app, what books and internet resources would any helpful person on this forum suggest to a college freshman(me) taking intro to CS, and struggling? Right now, I'm struggling with writing my own for loops and nested for loops. I'm really confused. Usually, I'm very good coming up with solutions to analytical problems, but intro to CS is making me feel really dumb. I sincerely need help.
7 Réponses
+ 1
look up thenewboston on youtube and get a tutor to help you. programming takes a lot of practice.
+ 1
If u want I can send you the PDFs i have.
Okay, thank you.
Please send me the PDFs
Apart from resources mentioned by others, with loops and programming in general, in the very beginning of programming experience even after when dealing with complex programs, it helps to trace/write down on paper what is happening on each step, what value each variable in the loop has after each iteration, you'll start to see if what you are thinking and what you are telling the computer to do is matching. Also common mistakes are assuming the program understands formatting like tabs, space or enter/return keys, so don't forget the {}, to explicitly tell the program everything in these curly brackets belong together.
send me your email address and Ill send you the tutorial downloaded from oracle which is the current owner of java.