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Write a program

create a abstract class shape with method calculate area and volume .derive 3 classes Sphere(radius),cone(radius,height) and cylinder(radius,height),Box(lengthy,breadth,height) from it .calculate area and volume of all .(use method overriding).

27th Aug 2017, 11:48 AM
Alam Shaikh
1 Réponse
import java.util.*; import java.math.*; abstract class shape{ protected double area,vol,rad,height,length,breadth; abstract void area(); abstract void volume(); public void show() { System.out.println("area= "+area+" volume= "+vol); } } class cone extends shape{ cone(double r,double h) { rad=r; height=h; } @Override void area() { area=Math.PI*rad*(rad+Math.sqrt((height*height+rad*rad))); } @Override void volume() { vol=Math.PI*rad*rad*(height/3); } } class sphere extends shape{ sphere(double r) { rad=r; } @Override void area() { area=4*Math.PI*rad*rad; } @Override void volume() { vol=(4/3)*Math.PI*rad*rad*rad; } } class box extends shape{ box(double l,double b,double h) { height=h; length=l; breadth=b; } @Override void area() { area=2*length*height+2*height*breadth+2*length*breadth; } @Override void volume() { vol=length*height*breadth; } } class cylinder extends shape{ public cylinder(double r,double h) { rad=r; height=h; } @Override void area() { area=2*Math.PI*rad*height+2*Math.PI*rad*rad; } @Override void volume() { vol=Math.PI*rad*rad*height; } } public class solo { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("enter radius of sphere"); sphere s=new sphere(sc.nextDouble()); System.out.println("enter radius and height of cone"); cone c=new cone(sc.nextDouble(), sc.nextDouble()); System.out.println("enter radius and height of cylinder"); cylinder cy=new cylinder(sc.nextDouble(),sc.nextDouble()); System.out.println("enter length breadth height of box"); box b=new box(sc.nextDouble(), sc.nextDouble(), sc.nextDouble()); s.area(); s.volume(); System.out.println("sphere"); s.show(); c.area(); c.volume(); System.out.println("cone"); c.show(); cy.area(); cy.volume(); System.out.println("cylinder"); cy.show(); b.area(); b.volume(
27th Aug 2017, 4:06 PM
Vijeth Belle
Vijeth Belle - avatar