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What are the disadvantages in SoloLearn?
Answer a disadvantage you find in SoloLearn
4 Réponses
+ 5
there are two disadvantages I can see presently...
1. most people are going after xp (truly speaking sometimes even I tend to go)
2. It has little control over spams , downvotes , plagiarism ,etc.
But I also think that the advantages of Sololearn are quite many to hide the disadvantages.....
keep Sololearning guys😉😉😉
+ 4
Sololearn does not teach you practical use, it's great to use as an intro and guidance but you will need to practice making things outside of sololearn
+ 1
sometimes they assume you have a background about programming and don't explain for completely beginners but most of the courses are great
you cannot send direct message im sololearn.