+ 10

To Russian and Hispanic contributors !

Guys, please don't suggest a quiz in your native languages. These quizzes will appear to all members, so we can't read it. Thanks for cooperation. Chicos, por favor no sugiera un cuestionario en sus idiomas nativos. Estos cuestionarios aparecerán a todos los miembros, por lo que no podemos leerlo. Gracias por la cooperación. Ребята, пожалуйста, не предлагайте викторину на родных языках. Эти викторины появятся для всех участников, поэтому мы не сможем их прочитать. Спасибо за сотрудничество.

12th Sep 2017, 11:43 PM
Jetset Willy
Jetset Willy - avatar
7 Réponses
+ 6
Dear Davis we are here to learn programming not foreign language. these quizzes are appear to all members and people gain or lose experience by completing these challenges. you can't make quizzes native to any languages, if so, we have to separate users and rankings based on their nationality and that doesn't make sense at all.
13th Sep 2017, 2:34 AM
Jetset Willy
Jetset Willy - avatar
+ 5
I suggested to SL to translate not only app, quizzes too and I think we, all can help to translate all to other languages. Or like other comnunities, leave all in english. I think english is language more speaking, follow for Spanish but I think chinese forma example is the language which has more speakers
13th Sep 2017, 12:14 AM
Daniel - avatar
+ 5
Programming is based on English language and uses English keywords. I never seen a programming language that uses any languages other than English : #incluir <escorriente> utilizando espacio de nombres std; ent principal () { ent n, factorial = 1; cfuera << "Introduzca un entero positivo:"; cen >> n; para (ent i = 1; i <= n; ++ i) { factorial * = i; // factorial = factorial * i; } cfuera << "Factorial de" << n << "=" << factorial; regreso 0; }
13th Sep 2017, 12:32 AM
Jetset Willy
Jetset Willy - avatar
+ 4
My native language is spanish but my english is good, I know, sometimes I have mistakes but I can understand it
13th Sep 2017, 12:16 AM
Daniel - avatar
+ 3
There is a problem though. When you suggest a quiz, the apps writes the question in your language by DEFAULT. For example, I'm Spanish and if I choose to create a what-is-the-output-of-this-code quiz, I will AUTOMATICALLY get something like "cuál es la salida de este código" as a question, and I need to change it back to English so everyone else can understand it. I think that many people leave the questions in their native languages because they don't change the questions back to English. So, in my opinion, the app's "feature" that changes your question depending of your language creates more problems than it solves, and because of that it should be removed, unless they add some sort of "language filter" so you can only see quizzes of a specific language.
12th Sep 2017, 11:59 PM
Daniel de Lizaur
+ 3
Honestly, I see NO problem with quizzes suggested in other languages than english. In my case, I dont understand a single word of russian, n still think usefull 4 russian Sololearners to access quizzes suggested in their own language. Actually, taking a major overview, quizzes in other languages than english make this app better n greater by using the worldwide SL community (no translations nor language filters needed, just humans learning with each others). Greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷
13th Sep 2017, 1:21 AM
Davis Aguiar
Davis Aguiar - avatar
(Follow-up of my previous answer) So basically Sololearn has two options right now: -Give full support for multiple languages, adding features like filtering questions/answers/comments/quizzes by a specific language and choosing a languages when you publish any of these. -Make English the only language Currently it seems like the app is stuck halfway through these two options...
13th Sep 2017, 12:23 AM
Daniel de Lizaur