+ 2
what is the difference between 'script' and 'tags'; 'markup language' and 'programming language'?
2 Réponses
+ 6
To be put simply
Programming languages are those that their end results are compiled. You most certainly use IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) to make use of these languages. If u think about it their examples are as follows : Java, visual basic, C, C++, C#, etc.
Markup languages are languages that are not in any way executed or used to perform actions but they are used to structure data, identify data or present data as the case may be. Examples are HTML(defines web content), XHTML(same with html but with some differences) , XML(for structuring data, in some cases for defining UI structure as its used in Android app development), etc.
Scripting languages are languages that are not compiled, more like interpreted at run-time. It's like a file containing instructions for a computer to follow to carry out a task. Think of it like this. If you were to feature in a movie, u will definitely be given a script to read, memorize and follow. Hence the script becomes your guide to perform your roles in that movie.It's as simple as that. Example of scripting languages are JavaScript, VB script, Perl, python, php, shell script, etc.
+ 1
@Ekansh, you explained it so much, that I don't have even nothing to say.