+ 7
How to import strings from domains.txt to an array in the index.php? Solved! Thanks to ChaoticDawg!
From this: php.net sololearn.com to this: $domains= ["php.net", "sololearn.com"]; trailing dot is not working viz. https://www.sololearn.com/Discuss/716470/why-foreach-returns-only-the-last-value-from-an-array-correctly
2 RĂ©ponses
+ 4
$filename = $DOCUMENT_ROOT.'path_to_file'.'file.txt';
$lines_in_file = count(file($filename));
$file = fopen($filename, 'r');
for($i = 1; $i <= $lines_in_file; $i++) {
$line = fgets($file);
$value = trim($line);
print 'Line '.$i.': '.$value.'<br>';
You can modify the code to add the $value to an array if you wish.
$domains = array(); // create an empty array before the loop
array_push($domains, $value); //Add this line inside the for loop to add the value to the array
+ 9
Thank You very much ChaoticDawg!!! I can sleep again!
It is truly working great:
$domains = $DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/.../.../domains.txt';
$lines_in_file = count(file($domains));
$file = fopen($domains, 'r');
$domains = array();
for($i = 1; $i <= $lines_in_file; $i++) {
$line = fgets($file);
$value = trim($line);
array_push($domains, $value);
//print 'Line '.$i.': '.$value.'<br>';
foreach($domains as $domain)
$ip = gethostbyname($domain);
echo $domain. " " . $ip .'<br>';
I like sololearners You know it!
and the output is [domain IP]: